Saturday 29 May 2010

In the beginning...

As I entered my teenage years as a newly promoted black belt I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to teach younger students. Many parents of the children I taught had asked me "Kirk; why did you start training in the martial arts?" (or words to that effect) but were then shocked at my reply. A typical answer from a martial arts instructor would be "To learn how to defend myself." or "To gain confidence and stay active." but my answer had its roots laid deep in my love for Saturday morning television as a child back in the 90s. Purely and simply; I wanted to be a Power Ranger.

Like a typical four-year old does when they're stuck inside watching television on a rainy day; I began to nag my mother. "Mum, what are they doing?", "Mum, he just kicked that baddie in the head!", "Mum, can I do that?" - So after a few days of nagging I was enrolled in my first Karate class at Mokuteki-Ryu Bushindo-Kai Karate-Do under Sensei Bruce C Burt who was a 3rd Degree Black Belt or Sandan as the Japanese like to call it. I trained here for around 2-3 years, competing at local + regional tournaments in both kata + kumite and achieved the rank of 4th Kyu (Purple Belt). I developed a reputation as fighter at a young age amongst the older students due to precise and rapid mawashi-geri jodan (Roundhouse Kick to the Head) which I could land on kids much taller than myself. After the early death of my instructor the club folded and I was forced to seak training elsewhere.

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